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Looking For A Challenge?

This is not another list of resolutions... See what you can learn about yourself by doing one of these challenges!

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Looking for a way to shake things up? Look no further! We scoured the internet (well, mostly Pinterest) to find one month challenges that are sure to help you have fun and become a better version of yourself.

Keep in mind, these challenges are meant to help you grow, but they are not directly related to swimming. (Of course, challenging your willpower and stepping out of your comfort zone certainly won't hurt you as an athlete!)

1. Writing Challenge

When it doubt, write it out with the 30 Day Writing Challenge.

Scribbling out some words every day can help you better understand yourself. Every day you will be prompted to reflect on what makes you happy; what it would take for someone to win your heart; what excites you; and what areas in your life you would like to improve. All you need is a journal, a pen, and a bit of time to get to know yourself!

2. Photography Challenge

Here’s a challenge that you can do anywhere you go! The 30 Day Photography Challenge allows you the chance to play with fun filters, try new angles with your camera, or take pictures of things you never noticed before.

Just snap a picture with your phone! You don’t even have to go out and buy a fancy camera.

3. Minimalism Challenge

Looking to cut back on clutter and distractions? Pondering what it means for something to spark joy? Ever thought about living lean? Then the 30 Day Minimalism Challenge is for you!

Every day you will have a task that will add to your life by reducing and cutting back! Whether the challenge will be to throw out your old socks, limit your online time, or evaluate your recent purchases, you will almost certainly feel lighter after 30 days. A minimalist challenge with a maximum impact. ;)

4. 30 Days of Me

What better way of challenging yourself than by challenging yourself? Sounds crazy, I know!

This 30 day calendar gives you suggestions to push yourself and think about what makes you “you!” The 30 Days of Me will give you the opportunity to rediscover details about yourself you might have lost touch with, while also reflecting on your current state. Plus, it will even push you to explore new hobbies.

This is the 30 Days of You, so enjoy!

5. Book Challenge

~~**Reading for life!**~~

Wait, that was not in your AIM bio? Well, you might still surprise yourself if you do the 30 Day Book Challenge!

Every day you will recount and reflect on a book you’ve read. What is your favorite book, favorite author, or favorite series? Try the challenge and impress yourself with your literary prowess!

6. Music Challenge

Need to discover new tunes, or want to remember the best songs of your childhood? Then the 30 Day Song Challenge is for you!

This is the perfect challenge to help you jam out and be introspective. Favorite artist? Songs that remind you of yourself? Favorite decade of music? Explore these questions and more in the next fun and whimsical 30 days.

7. Health Challenge

A 30 Day Health Challenge. Cliche, yes. Probably a good idea, yes.

We promise, one month of super healthy living won't kill you. With some minor changes to your daily lifestyle, we can almost guarantee that you will end this challenge feeling better than you did at the beginning.

From practicing better posture, to sleeping a full eight hours and buying a herb plant, each day will give you a fun opportunity to live a healthier life.

8. 30 Days of Gratitude

Do you take the time to stop and smell the roses? Well, if you don’t, here is your chance with the 30 Days of Gratitude Challenge.

Learn to be grateful and cultivate more meaning in your life as you ponder what you have, what little things make your day, and what other ways can you appreciate life to the fullest.

9. 30 Days of Creativity

Missing that creative spark? Looking for those daily ideas but they won’t come? Then give the 30 Days of Inspiration Challenge a whirl and see where each little daily challenge will take your imagination.

Draft a bucket list, imagine your dream job, journal your successes (no matter how big or small), or jot down your favorite quotes. This is your life, so create it with intention!

10. Productivity Challenge

Struggling to get pesky chores done? Wondering what ways you can stay organized and feel a sense of accomplishment? A 30 Day Productivity Challenge might do the trick.

This challenge will encourage you to make the small changes that will make a big difference in your life. Write out a to do list. Choose a habit to eliminate and another to pick up. Maybe even reward yourself! These strategies are sure to optimize your productivity.

Whether you take to journaling, photography, taking the stairs for a month, or decluttering your life, make the effort to challenge yourself for a month! You are worth it.



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